Why should you join the Builtflat team?

We’re always seeking out new talent to join the Builtflat team to help us with our vision to become the number one leading website development provider in New Zealand. To get there, we need the best team we can find and we’d love to take you with us on our journey there. If you want to work with a group of likeminded creatives and make a positive impact through creative design and development, then view our job listings below.

Dylan Mckissock

Graphic Designer @ Builtflat

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An exciting opportunity awaits you.

Work environment

Builtflat offers a fun, engaging, and flexible work experience if you’re part of our creative team. We always make sure new members in our team feel welcome and appreciated for their work.

Remote work

We believe remote working is the way forward. It saves travel costs (both monetary and carbon) and travel time. Even lunch money, if buying lunch everyday is your weakness! We place a lot of value on freedom, trust, and hard work. Every team member can make decisions and get things done in a way that makes sense to them.

Flexible hours

We understand that not everyone’s life fits in the 8:00am to 5:00pm category. In most instances, we let our team members pick and choose what hours suit them, as we believe giving you flexibility in your hours improves productivity. All we ask is that you return the favour by meeting your deadlines with quality work that fits the brief.

Freelancer friendly

As a team mainly composed of freelancers, we’re happy to offer like minded individuals the chance to work completely freelance. Work with us on a project to project based agreement where you can pick and choose projects that excite you the most.

Find our available positions below!

Browse through our listed jobs then select which ones interest you. Read all the details in each job listing such as the role and what is to be expected of you, then submit your application to us. We’ll be in touch as soon as possible.

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